

Your payment has been received

Thank you Smiles Davis,

Your payment has been received.

Order date 14/02/2020
Order number 655005000
Order amount £19.60

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If you have any questions regarding your order (e.g. delivery or returns), please contact ASOS for help and refer to order number: 655005000.

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If you have a question regarding your payment, or are expecting a refund, please contact Klarna on 0808 189 3333 or Klarna Customer Service and reference statement number 6500RGE-0.

Klarna Bank AB (publ)

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PO Box 69983, London E16 9DN

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Klarna Bank AB is Authorised by the Swedish Financial Services Authority (Finansinspektionen) and is subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request.