

Your SaaS/UnSaaS Dispatch is Ready!


Blessed to be Stressed?

Blessed to be Stressed?

In 1939, Mr. Shulz from the UCL Institute of Neurology set out to explore a human’s deep-rooted reaction to uncertainty. The volunteers played a computer game where they were asked to turn over rocks that might have snakes under them and if they did find a snake, they were given a mild (but painful) electric shock.

It was observed that people who either felt completely sure or utterly unsure about the snake beneath the rock, showed fewer levels of stress than people who were uncertain. Knowing there is even a small chance of getting a painful electric shock made people more stressed than knowing that they will definitely be shocked. It looked like humans, in general, are hardwired to hate uncertainty than probably even predictable negative consequences.

But being stressed is not as bad as we make it to be. Working at appropriate levels of stress can help one understand uncertainties better, be more resilient, and even help find creative ways to address those situations.

In this SaaS/UnSaaS Dispatch, let's explore our current uncertainties and some words of wisdom on coping with it.


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Lessons in Resilience from the Software Industry
Abby Sullivan for ProfitWell  Listen now

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How to make stress your friend?
By Kelly McGonigal for TEDTalks  Watch now

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Matt Haughey for Slack  Read now

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By Spotify  Listen now

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A comic strip to lighten your mood and a reminder to update your ‘pandemic diary’.

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