

Your Weekly Stats – Set an information goal

Your Conscious
Media Consumption Score

Set an information goal


It’s the sum of three key parts—discover, save, and read—that make a healthy information diet. It looks like you’re not using Refind yet though. Try it next week: set an information goal and see yourself reading more of the things that are relevant to you. It’s super simple—just do one of the below.

People who score high are smart, curious, inspired—some users even tell us they got superpowers.

Without Refind, consuming media consciously is like exercising, eating healthy, or flossing—you know you should but… With Refind, it’s like snacking—we make it incredibly easy for you to read more of the things that are relevant to you as you go through your week.

Consuming media cleverly means finding relevant information quickly. Every day we analyze thousands of new links and create a magazine of the most relevant ones for you. Add Refind to your daily information mix: After you skim the news, scan your Refind feed for nuggets. But don’t read them right away—save them instead.
Quickly scan your feed every day. It takes 5 minutes.
What to do with great links we don’t have time for right now? We need a place to dump things—fire-and-forget style—and then move on. You’ll find them again when you need them.
Save links that will come in handy eventually—and then move on.
The most important part of a conscious media consumption is choosing what to read—and what not! Refind’s smart reading list helps you: stories you don’t read within two weeks will move out of focus so your list is always small and manageable.
Try our reading list feature for a week!


1. On your phone

Save links from your browser or any app, and discover what others save wherever you go. And, access your reading list anytime, anywhere—even when you’re offline.

2. Get Chrome New Tab

Get Chrome New Tab on your computer to see the best stories in every new tab.

3. Find on Google

Not every great link needs to be read, at least not until you actually work on it—for example a resource on SEO or a recipe. Don’t add those links to your reading list; save them to your Refind profile instead. You’ll find them again when you need them, for example when you search on Google.

4. Customize interests

Follow hashtags to get more of the things you like.

5. Express disinterest

Express disinterest in things you want to see less of.

“Sufficiently advanced political correctness is indistinguishable from sarcasm.”

—Erik Naggum