

You’re one step away from getting your AI writing results

Need help using GrammarlyGo
to generate text?

Step 1
Click on the green lightbulb to open GrammarlyGO.
Step 2
Try one of these prompts to start:
  • "Briefly explain blockchain in simple terms."
  • "Write a brief, attention-grabbing marketing email to get registrations for a live tax-software demo."
  • "Write a social post to promote our foreign film festival."

  • *Tips* Successful prompts have clear instructions with strong verbs and include as much detail as possible.
Step 3
Click on the arrow to generate text. Then click Insert to add your generated prompt.
*Bonus tip*
Try adding "friendly" and see how GrammarlyGO can personalize your prompt for tone, formality, and professionalism.
  • "Briefly explain blockchain in simple, friendly terms."
  • Ready to try a prompt on your own?

    Click on GrammarlyGO on the right-side panel of your Grammarly Editor.