

#652 | Discover Seoul’s Skateboarding Scene with The Quiet Leaf, a Tokyo Forest Planetarium and The NY Times’ Truth Campaign

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The Raf Simons Guide to Transforming a Brand
By changing the brand's logo, creating a timely partnership, and embracing transparency, Raf Simons has put Calvin Klein back on the fashion industry's radar
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Who Can You Trust in a Post-Truth World?
With the proliferation of misinformation, scandals and fake news, we have become more aware of the value of truth and trust. And that can be a good thing
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Our Greatest Peril? Screening Ourselves Off From Reality
Immersed in life online like the followers of 4chan or PewDiePie, we start to imagine that nothing matters - even racism, misogyny and resurgent fascism
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The Future of Shopping is More Discrimination
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