Ritual Co


Find out what’s trending at Hubba


Here are all the hot spots in your office.

Have you ever wondered where everyone at Hubba heads for coffee or lunch? Well, we've crunched the numbers for you. Here are your team's top picks.

Strange Love Coffee (Spadina/Adelaide) is everyone's favourite place to go for a caffeine boost—and maybe the occasional treat, too.

Chances are, you'll see lots of Piggyback notifications popping up for What A Bagel (Spadina/Richmond) every afternoon.

Curious about what else is popular near you? Check out Banh Mi Boys (Spadina/Queen).  It's your neighbourhood's #1 spot.

We'd be remiss if we didn't give a special shoutout to Arne H  for picking up the most Piggyback orders for the team this month. Thanks, Arne H !