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Welcome to the Aero community!

Thanks for signing up to stay in the know about future news, routes, experiences, and promotions.

First things first. We'll be releasing very limited quantities of seats for less than the cost of your lift ticket* on Cyber Monday (December 2nd) at 12pm and 5pm PST. If those seats sell out, don't worry, we'll have another surprise promotion in store for you.

Keep an eye on your inbox and be the first to know when our Cyber Monday discounts go live!

Ready to book now? Use promo code TELLURIDE to get off $100 each way as a thank you for signing up with us.

Bay Area to Telluride Airport exclusively on Aero

Fly in style nonstop from oakland, CA (OAK) to Telluride, CO (TEX). Fly into the highest airport in the US, just minutes from the mountain.

* Less than the cost of your lift ticket = $99 each way inclusive of taxes. See for additional details.

Promo code TELLURIDE is valid for $100 off each way. Must be used before by 12pm PST on December 2nd

Aero finds the best way to get you wherever you need to go. We're a seller of travel and authorized indirect air carrier under 14 CFR 380. Please be sure to check with your direct carrier for applicable Terms & Conditions. If you no longer want to receive emails like this, you can unsubscribe.

© 2019 Aero Technologies, Inc.