

We’ve got a personalized form recommendation for you...

Feedback to help you improve

See what your customers think about a recent purchase or get internal feedback on a project, and use it to improve your products or processes. You can do all that and more with your next form: the feedback form.

Offer different ways to respond
Encourage customers to share feedback by giving them different ways to answer—ratings, open-ended answers, or even picture choice.
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Ask the right next question
Get deeper customer insights by using their previous answers to ask better follow-up questions, like how you can improve.
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Share the data
Make feedback actionable by sharing the form report with your teams that can implement changes to positively impact the customer.
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Make giving feedback seamless
Let customers fill out your feedback form without leaving their inbox. Embed your forms directly in your post-purchase emails.
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Use our template or build one with AI to collect feedback from your audiences.

Rated 4.5 out of 5 from over 700 reviews on G2.com

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Typeform SL - Carrer de Can Rabia, 3 - 5, 4th floor, 08017 - Barcelona (Spain)